9 min readNov 6, 2023

777 The School of Life 777

A lot of people say that they do not believe because of the evil they see. A lot of people deny the truth because of the merits they believe they need. The fact is that a lot of people are just afraid of judgment and just want to be happy even though they know that they are wrong. God is love and love is God. Love created everything. Love is both feminine and masculine. To nurture, to be emotional, to feel, and to be vulnerable is the feminine. To protect, to love itself, to create, to discipline, to respect, and to work is the masculine. Love is light in darkness and love is clarity in the shadows. To do good is only the act of loving the environment like yourself. So what is love? Love is the ability to connect both physically and spiritually with a being of light in the most righteous form of compassion without doubt. In real love, we are all one, and the connection we have is electrified by the deeds of charity that we share among ourselves. So if God is love then why does evil exist? If God is good why do bad things happen?

God is love and love is both masculine and feminine. So who is what and what is who. In the bible and in many cultures wisdom is a feminine character. Wisdom is the mother of the universe, the mother of nature, the mother of earth, and the first female energy presented. So then what is the masculine? The masculine is who protects and works the deed of the source. The male energy creates life and provides the necessities for that life to flourish. However, life can only flourish in love through wisdom. So then we have God. The definition of God is basically love in manifestation.

Love created us in His and Her image. That is why it says that man is created in our image if you read the Bible precisely. The metaphysical form of completion is spiritual oneness. So everything done in love and through love is righteousness.

Did Love create itself? Yes, Love created itself through His and Her voice when He said let there be light She manifested into universes of matter. There is a trend going on about transhumanism. Why do you think everyone feels like another? Well, it is simply because we are one consciousness and we feel one connection. Love became YAHU. YAHU is the term and noise used when happiness is complete. YAHU is the sound of breath. When you breathe in and out you subconsciously make an 'ahh' and 'ou' sound right. Try it. You will hear yourself now because you're consciously reading this. Your brain will try to make that YAHU sound in the conscience and conscious mindset. However, when alone and breathing you literally make that sound. Moving on, YAHU is the sound of life created. The father's name is YAHUAH for some and YAWA for others. The initial, well the beginning sound of life. Hence the masculinity of Love and in this case God.

So what happens to the feminine side of love?
We have intuition, spirit, and soul. If God is love and that is just the masculine then well HE is physical. The physical manifestation of GOD YAHU is IMMANUEL YAHUSHA. Immanuel means God is with us and Yahusha or Yawasi means God is salvation as to saves us. Well then still where is the feminine side eh? We know that wisdom is feminine yet not physical. We know that emotion and intuition are of the mother. We know a spirit identifies with its physical body. Love created itself and creation is of the male. Therefore the female had to be born from the male in order to be physically manifestated.

Now we have YAHU the ULTIMATE BEING which is LOVE manifested as a metaphysical light with spiritual oneness. How is creation going to display love itself and breathe love for eternity? How is life going to cultivate that love and shine bright in immortality? Here come the laws in order for us to learn how to showcase the love who created us in HIS Image Through HER wisdom. The laws, either the main ten or the full logged 613, are there in order for us to learn how to control our actions. We are gods and goddesses made in the image of love therefore we have full power like love. The actions we are told not to do are simply actions done without love. When you behave without love then you become evil. A sin is just an act committed without love and compassion for thyself. When you sin you become a burden for your self-growth. When you behave without love you automatically do the opposite of love. When you do the opposite of love you diminish your lifeline by dimming down your light. When you become dark without light you become dark away from love. You cannot blame God for when you act in hate. You cannot blame love for when you hate. You cannot claim what is bad to be good. You cannot act and endorse evil and expect greatness. Is it impossible for you to see salvation just based on good deeds because good deeds always have evil reasoning? If you feed your neighbor so your enemy can see, well you are seeking. You fed your neighbor out of your need for pride and ego. That is not love. If you protect someone or something because you are powerful and proud then you are behaving based on your ego. That is not love. If you dress someone because you are rich well then what is the foundation of your richness? If you dress someone because you boast then where is your love? Did you really care or were you seeking attention towards your ego? If you connect spiritually with someone because of lust then it is clear there is no love. If you live by lust and fame without any shame then how is that God's fault? Every action has a spiritual consequence and reaction. That is why our darkness cannot be guaranteed salvation through deeds and charity. When we self-glorify we deny the glorification of love itself. So then in order to be the source, of love itself, one has to be brought back in purity.

How can we live our lives creating both good and bad and then expect us to be illuminated enough to be part of the original love? We ourselves do not love unless we have a reason to be loved or want to be loved. We love only what loves us back. We create happiness for only the ones that make us happy. We cannot blame love (God) because we rejected love from the beginning.

How do we get back to LOVE the original source of creation? That is the sacrifice. Love had to protect itself. In order to get rid of the darkness Love had to become death within the darkness and die. Love had to sacrifice itself in order to allow a pathway for life and light to reconnect itself to it. That is why we are dark. We are made in HIS image through HIM. HE is light through Darkness. He is all Matter compressed as one being burnt in the electrifying light of life. We are then too dark because we represent light from darkness. We are the children of LOVE. YAHU the male and WISDOM the female are our parents by creation. We are the manifestation of HIS Love within Love the source of life. So with that being said we are dark skin melanin kings and queens entitled to handle how we manage love for ourselves. Due to the fact that we allowed darkness to be our light instead of digging through darkness to build more light, we then die. We die because we lack light. We grow then we age just like a fire fighting to stay alive on a candle. We need to be plugged into a fuse forever energized for eternity.

Since we die, Love has to mimic that death in order to bury us up into life again. LOVE protects life given by shining HIS bright forever and ever. Here comes in Our Salvation, the SAVIOR. IMMANUEL YAHUSHA KRESTU (Christ). YAHU as the masculine is alive in the physical as a male YAHUSHA. HE lives like LOVE should live sinless meaning that all HIS actions are committed through love. The actions HE made were without envy, pride, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Let us define these terms. Envy is basically when you want what someone else has, hence thou shall not steal. Envy is like being jealous. To act with love one shall not envy. If you can control that then you do not sin in that field. Pride is basically celebrating your birthday. It is you being all about you. Well, we all know that sharing is caring. Is it okay to congratulate oneself for an achievement? Yes! Is that achievement hurting something or someone else? That is where love is tested. If you love do not hurt the other. You can have as much as you want without hurting other people in order to get it. When you stomp on someone in order to reach your goals you are stomping on love. We are all made from the same source. Greed is basically your self-pride envying more. Do you see the repeat? You want more for yourself. When you see something you want because another has it, you want it. We as gods and goddesses have all kinds of powers. Once we abuse those powers to accomplish envy, pride, and greed. All we are doing is abusing and maltreating Love.

Wrath is when one is extremely angry. When you are Angry you become more powerful in thy pride. Your level of pride will allow you to see no life in another. When you see yourself so much in that intensity, it is easy to kill the other. Who are you to get rid of life when you did not create it? Wrath is basically pride and greed at a dictatorship level. Have you not noticed how people fight for sales on Black Friday? How is that God's fault? Lust is the need to please oneself physically. Lust is extreme greed and desire. The repetition continues. Lust from a sexual perspective is basically the abuse of love. Lust is the physical manifestation of abusing Love based on your power and level of greed. When you lust after someone based on their looks you have a tendency to want to touch them. If you touch them then you must taste them. If you taste them then you have to smell and feel them. Well from feeling them you get to experience joy and happiness. That joy becomes addictive and very toxic very fast. That is why when you abuse a child physically, they can easily grow up to abuse another. When you sexually involve yourself with someone you are spiritually connecting to them. The more connections the less lonely one can be. The less sex the more lonely one becomes. Loneliness is not happiness. It is sad and negative. To be lonely is to be left in darkness. So what do you do when you are in the dark? You look for light. You look for a way out. You look for connections. You look for self-salvation. Lust is basically sacrificing yourself to free yourself.

Gluttony is basically lust for physical purposes only. You eat a lot. You drink a lot. You have agreed to please thy hunger. Again, we have greed and lust, but this time wrapped in one. Why would you eat for three when you can feed another? Why waste food when your brother and sister are hungry? Why would you feed yourself to the point of blowing up when you can provide for the needy? Where is your compassion? How are you illustrating love through gluttony?

Sloth is technically doing absolutely nothing. Sloth is just pure laziness. How do you show your love if you are not working it out? How do you expect to be loved if you don't love yourself? How do you manifest your power if you are dormant?

So yes, IMMANUEL YAHUSHA lived a life of love. HE Lived like that so we can have an example. He made us through LOVE, hence it should be logical to show us how. Have you ever been in class and the teacher did not give an example of the work asked about? Did you ask questions in order to understand? Welcome to Life where LOVE IS GOD YAHU ALMIGHTY. HE IS LOVE. As Love, HE had to give us an example. IMMANUEL YAHUSHA is that Example. Life is a school full of classrooms, grades, exams, and graduations. If you listen to the teacher in the classroom it is most likely you will succeed and graduate. Welcome to the school of life. Love is your teacher and graduation is simply salvation into immortality.



I am a poet, writer, painter, and a graphic designer. https://www.poeticcolors.art/

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