Connecting the Dots….
In the beginning, YHWH TMH made heaven and earth.
HE made the stars and the waters, HE made the earth and the universe.
HE made angels and men. In the beginning, HE made it in one accord.
Well that is all true is HIS righteousness, however, one idiot made things complicated.
See, Lucifer the one and the only idiot that thought he could be, ha he sinned.
He thought that he could become TMH. He failed miserably.
With his failure about a third or maybe 200 plus angels fell.
The fallen angels became gods and deities on earth.
Some angels created their own paths as to religions.
Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and etc…
We men fell victim to their stories as to myths.
We men from the mud created by TMH in the garden of Eden, now known as Africa, fell terribly.
We men are currently being manipulated, lied to, and abused.
We are living in between an angelic fight.
Gadreel, sometimes known as Samael, is a fallen angel still working under commend.
He sinned and deceived Eve, the wife of Adam, the first man created by YHWH.
He made her eat the apple well in terms he made her agree to intercourse.
She was deceived and gave birth to Cain who is the twin brother of Abel.
Abel on the other hand is the son of Adam. Two fathers and one pregnancy, basically Superfecundation.
Read the book of Enoch and the book of Genesis for a detailed tale of the events.
We now have two groups of angels and humanity.
The first group of angels is in the skies as to heavens. They are working for YHWH.
The second group of angels is divided and live underneath us.
The second group has demons and jinns working for the fallen angels known as satans.
The second group also has demons and jinns working for YHWH because of regret and a sad hope to return to their status quo.
The people ruling the world now are people that worship both sides of the second group of angels.
We will call the second group, the fallen pricks.
YHWH TMH has laws and those laws together make up the Torah.
The Torah has about 613 plus laws to keep.
The book of Abraham and the book of Noah explains the spirituality of the Torah.
The Maat is an Egyptian copy of the Torah from which the Atlanteans left behind.
The fallen pricks rule the world by having people worshipping them instead of YHWH.
They are angry little pests full of jealousy and hatred for us Negroes.
They created their own offspring just to give us hell. They made the clean lepers, the pale skin, and offspring from animals.
The fallen pricks came on earth and bred with creation.
They had sex with humans, animals, and plants. They intercourse with everything that had life.
They made the giants and many other creatures. The names of those creatures are in folktales, myths, and religions.
Us humans on earth believe that the stories and even the bible itself are fairy tales.
The truth is all is real. All is reality. All exist.
Some people experience these creatures through black magic and voodoo.
Some people experience these creatures in books and movies.
Everyone is exposed to the reality of spirituality in many different forms.
The mind plays games and thinks to believe what we want to be true.
Centaur — A creature that has the upper body of a human with the lower body of a horse.
Pan — The god of the wild and protector of shepherds, who has the body of a man, but the legs and horns of a goat. He is often heard playing the flute.
Harpy — A half-bird, half-woman creature of Greek mythology, portrayed sometimes as a woman with bird wings and legs.
Mermaid/Merman — A race of half-human, half-fish creatures.
Mermaid/Merman — A race of half-human, half-fish creatures.
Bes — An Egyptian god with the hindquarters of a lion.
Meduza — A sea creature from Russian folklore with the head of a maiden and the body of a striped beast, having a dragon tail with a snake’s mouth and elephant legs with the same snake mouths.
Sphinx — A creature with the head of a human or a cat, the body of a lion, and occasional wings of an eagle.
Lamassu — A deity that is often depicted with a human head, a bull’s body or lion’s body, and an eagle’s wings.
Heqet — The frog-headed Egyptian God.
These above were just a few of the hundreds of creatures in existence.
Behemoth, Leviathan, and many more exist too.
Lots of beasts and creatures roam this universe.
We are at war with them you know. We the negroes are born by YHWH and for YHWH.
We did not know how to live among all the craziness and keep the laws altogether.
We still do not know how to do so. We are the true Jews, the true children of CHRIST.
We disobeyed the laws trying to please ourselves and one another.
We disobeyed for greed, envy, lust, pride, self-righteousness, power, and foolishness.
We played with our inheritance and lost to the fallen pricks like crying babies from a long nap.
We shall wake up to it, we did wake up to it, but we awoke to it within the last few chapters.
We are in spiritual warfare; we are in danger of our status; we are in debt of our sins.
YHWH TMH through grace and mercy came to us as CHRIST.
HE came to us so we can link to him directly.
We no longer have to go after deities and gods.
We no longer have to obey lwas and pedros.
We no longer have to follow after demons and magic.
We no longer need a spiritual connector to the CREATOR.
THE CREATOR YHWH TMH facilitated things for us so that we connect through one source.
We now have the Torah as both words and a body.
We have an example, a narrow path, a single way, and one true guide to immortality.
We have CHRISTOLOGY the science of the universe through an experience of obedience to the laws given to us.
The war is real and the people are suffering.
The white supremacist serving under the fallen pricks have created many devices of death for us.
From polio to aids, to the flu, and now the corona.
From segregation, racism, slavery, and now the RFID chip.
From robbing our physical body, raping us, and now controlling our very minds.
Agenda 21, project MKUltra, Jim Crow, The Renaissance, The rainbow agenda, and the Georgia Guidestones.
We are trapped in a matrix calling for help lustfully enjoying sin.
We are dying as empty souls without the light of hope and the lack of compassion.
We are in warfare that angels started due to their failure.
They failed sadly with their pride and ego burned down to ashes.
We are in the middle hanging by the robes of crucifixion waiting for our resurrection.
We are the lost sheep of Israel with an inch of life coughing as we choke sin out of our throats.
We are the children of CHRIST down on our knees begging for our lives.
We are the children of hope desperate for forgiveness blind to our history.
We are the children of life dying in darkness without wisdom.
We are the last breath waiting for the millennium to be, our true paradise.
We are the dust and the mud formed by the hands of YHWH THE CREATOR TMH.