Dec 25, 2023
My Savior
In Your loving arms, we find solace and peace. We come before You today, with hearts heavy with the weight of injustice. We stand firm in our faith, knowing Your divine vengeance will prevail, as promised in Your Holy Word.

Gentle Savior, Your word teaches us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We seek Your guidance and strength in this challenging time. Open our hearts to forgiveness, and allow us to trust in Your divine justice.

Mighty Redeemer, we remember the sacrifice You made for us on the cross. We are grateful for Your eternal love and mercy, which knows no bounds. Teach us to be like You, and help us to find the courage to face adversity with grace and love.

Righteous Judge, we entrust our cause to You, as we know that Your justice is perfect and true. May You avenge the wrongs done against us, in accordance with Your divine plan. And as You work, may our hearts remain focused on You, and not on our own desires for revenge.

Lord of Love, we pray for those who have hurt us. May they come to know You and experience Your life-changing love. We humbly ask that You touch their hearts, and lead them to repentance and reconciliation.


My Lord, my righteous Defender, You are my strong tower, my fortress in times of distress. In Your mighty name, I seek protection and refuge from my enemies.

Psalm 59:1-2: “Deliver me from my enemies, O God; protect me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from evildoers and save me from those who are after my blood.”

Lord, let Your justice reign over those who plot against me. Expose their wicked schemes, and turn their own devices against them. In Your divine wisdom, let their plans crumble and fall apart.

My God, my Champion, Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I may stand strong and unshaken. By Your grace, I refuse to be a victim, but instead, a conqueror in Your name.

Mighty Savior, You have promised to be with me in every battle. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for Your hand is upon me. My trust is in You alone, O Lord, as You shield me from harm.

In Your magnificent power, I pray for Your vengeance to be swift and just. May my enemies be scattered and their malicious intents laid bare. By Your authority, I declare victory over every evil force that comes against me.

As I walk in faith, I thank You for being my refuge and my strength. In the name of YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH THE Christ, my Savior and King, I pray. Amen.