This is a summary of my research regarding the spirituality of Atlantis and the world in general….quotes are directly from many different sources…
brothers from out of space — fallen angels
reincarnation of souls exploded in the atomic explosion
when the fallen angels fell from heaven their fall created the big bang mentioned in science — the atomic explosion was the fallen angels oras and light shining in the galaxies —ALMIGHTY CREATOR YAHUAH already created creation — the fallen angels fell and the energy from their fall shattered darkness with their light — their evil activated antimatter — the antiself — the souls reincarnated into beings reflecting from what TMH created — planet malona — earth attempt by fallen in angel…Phaeton (alternatively Phaethon or Phaëton) was the hypothetical planet theorized by the Titius–Bode law to have existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the destruction of which supposedly led to the formation of the asteroid belt (including the dwarf planet Ceres). The hypothetical planet was named for Phaethon, the son of the sun god Helios in Greek mythology aka Ra in Egyptian mythology, who attempted to drive his father’s solar chariot for a day with disastrous results and was ultimately destroyed by Zeus. However, his name was also used historically for Jupiter itself as well. Lucifer located between Jupiter and Mars — the fall of Lucifer — from his fall he attempted to create Earth to level his fall to dwell in..the lack of glory was too heavy and the planet exploded. — the souls reincarnated are the gods of Egypt who became the gods of greek mythology — the five satans fell with a legion behind them — their fall destroyed their glory — they lost their light and became the darkness that they fell upon — as to give themselves purpose they took on forms and shapes of what was already created by the TMH — they fell with their power because it was never removed by TMH — they had the abilities of what we see in marvel and dc comics — they created worlds for themselves and battled within the galaxies for power and pride — their battles are the stories of Egypt, greek, Norse, Hindu, Buddha, myths..the religions on earth follow through to the story of its angel and their bloodline.
these angels knew the cosmos and logos of creation so they created humans of their own by their likings — with the work of Lilith — they started to mingle with the daughters of Lilith on earth to populate their planets but they fell — two types of humans walked the earth then — the children of Lilith and of adam/eve — the second type the children of the fallen angels — Nephilim's reptilians and other forms of humans — understand that the fallen angels experimented with nature first before reaching the level to mingle with humans. bestiality was introduced as a means to populate before — the Melchizedek order of the universe whom the father cosmos chose were the angels that followed through and became perfect by obeying THE FATHER COSMOS TMH YHWH..the immortal beings were the children of the fallen angels — the mortals were the children of the Melchizedek group that reincarnated life afterlife until the stability of adam formation — the reason why science explains that the earth is billions and trillion years old is that science cannot put a timeframe between the life cycle of the fallen angels and their doings — nowadays they travel as a ghost, demons, and forces of evil for they are at their darkest form — the betrayal of TMH YHWH led them to lose all to a point where they are subjected to punishment and their execution. the guardians of evolution are the angels obeying the plan and cosmos laws of TMH YHWH — THE ULTIMATE ELOHIM YHWH had one big rule — do not integrate intermingle with the perfect form of humans Adam and eve — the fallen angels the watchers committed that crime — they were then banned into alkebulan — they the core of alkebulan is their prison deep inside the earth in cells waiting for their judgment — these angels asked for mercy and had Enoch a dear friend of TMH SUPREME help them in asking for forgiveness — their request was not granted and they were all banned. — in anger, these angels started to create their own family and clan from whence they were imprisoned — they started to manipulate and lie to the ultimate being the god and goddesses on earth — the negroes — these lies created spiritualism/African spiritualism — According to Christian religious text when the ‘Holy Triune God Most High’ created the ‘Invisible Heavens’ (spiritual/dark matter) and the ‘Visible Universe’ (physical/visible matter), He placed ‘Angels’ in charge of His Creation. These Angels were in charge of lands, nations, planets, stars, etc. In the Bible, these Angels are also known as ‘gods’ (Psalm 82, 86:8, 97:7, 135:5, Job 1:6, 2:1, 1Co 8:5, etc). But many of these Angels acted against the ‘Law of God’. The Biblical ‘Psalm 82’ is addressed by God to those Angels (gods), who did not follow the command of God. According to Christian religious text, when the ‘Holy Triune God Most High’ created the ‘Invisible Heavens’ (spiritual/dark matter) and the ‘Visible Universe’ (physical/visible matter), He placed ‘Angels’ in charge of His Creation. These Angels were in charge of lands, nations, planets, stars, etc. In the Bible, these Angels are also known as ‘gods’ (Psalm 82, 86:8, 97:7, 135:5, Job 1:6, 2:1, 1Co 8:5, etc). But many of these Angels acted against the ‘Law of God’. The Biblical ‘Psalm 82’ is addressed by God to those Angels (gods), who did not follow the command of God.
(Note: Recently Scientists have discovered that our Universe consists of about 70% invisible dark matter and about 30% physical/visible matter just like the earth which consists of about 70% transparent Water and about 30% hard matter)
Many of the Heavenly Angels (gods) acted wrongly in numerous ways. And they were cast out of Heaven, and were known as ‘Fallen Angels’. Some of their acts are mentioned in the ‘Holy Bible’ and also in some of the “70 Books of Wisdom — The Apocrypha”.
One of the Apocryphal books: “Book of Adam & Eve — Ch 28” tells us that when Adam and Eve sinned, God sent them out of Paradise; on the Earth, in the land now known as ‘Middle East’. Whereas the Serpent was hurled down and fell into the land now known as ‘India’. (Book of Adam & Eve — Ch 28 )
In Indian Hinduism, ‘Naga the Serpent‘ is worshiped as ‘god’ at the Peepal-Neem Tree. (like the serpent at the forbidden tree in Paradise)
In Christianity, Angels are also referred to as ‘Singers of the Heavenly Choirs’ who through their songs/hymns, praise God Most High (Lk 2:13, Rev 5:11–12).
In Vedic Hinduism, the Hindu gods especially ‘Indra’ are mentioned as the ones who has taught the ‘Rigvedic Hymns’ to the ancient sages.
“…these holy songs he (Indra) taught the bard (poet) who raised him and widely spread these Dawns’ resplendent color…” (Rigveda 3:34:5)
The Bible (Book of Genesis) and the other ancient Christian Books (Book of Enoch) also tell us that at the beginning of the world when God created Humans, the many Angels were tempted to have ‘Human form’ and have Sex with Human Women.
Many Angels did descend on Earth and had Sex with Humans. And the offspring born of these unions were the great ancient ‘Nephilims’ which the Bible refers to as the great ancient warriors of renown. (Gen 6:1–4, Num 13:33, 2Sam 21:20–22)
Read this in the Book of BIBLE — Genesis 6:1–8
in the Book of ENOCH — Ch. 7
These Angels were then cast out of Heaven and came to be known as ‘Fallen Angels’ or ‘Earthly gods’.
In almost all ancient religions, we find similar incidents of heavenly beings (angels) known as ‘gods’, descending on earth, and copulating with human women. And the offspring born of their union are described as the great warriors of the past.
In Hinduism, the ancient great warriors ‘Pandavas‘ are the offspring of the union between ‘Devas’ (angels) and a human woman.
The Book of Enoch also tells us that those fallen angels revealed to humans, many heavenly forbidden secrets which distorted the ways of man and increased sin on earth…
(Read Book of Enoch — Ch 8)
The Bible and the Book of Enoch also tell us that this lawlessness on earth caused by those fallen angels was the reason behind the ‘Deluge’ (floods in Noah’s time) brought about by God to purify the earth of all sin.
This great Deluge is also mentioned in many ancient religions in which the gods of those religions chose few of their devotees to survive the ‘Deluge’ and to continue their religion in post-flood times.
In the Hindu religious text too, one reads of gods like Vishnu helping a few men led by ‘Manu’ survive the floods in an Ark similar to Noah’s Ark…
The original roots of ‘Vedic Hinduism’ are found in the ancient religions of Persia (Iran). According to ‘Zurvanism’, there existed a god of the Aryans named ‘Zurvan/Brahman‘ who begot two twin sons named (1) ‘Ahura/Asura Mazda‘ and (2) ‘Deava/Deva Ahriman/Angra Mainyu‘. These two ‘gods’ were then the gods of two major religions named (1) Zoroastrianism and (2) Vedic Hinduism. These two religions share many common beliefs and rituals. And it’s interesting to know that in Zoroastrianism, ‘Ahuras/Asuras‘ are considered as good gods (Angels), and ‘Daevas/Devas‘ are considered as bad gods (Demons). Whereas in Hinduism, ‘Daevas/Devas’ are considered as good gods, and ‘Ahuras/Asuras’ are considered as bad gods.
The study of Hindu religious text reveals that it is very intellectually produced and arranged. And it is unwise to think that mere humans in ancient times wrote it on their own without any higher intellectual guidance. The Hindus themselves believe that most of the scriptures are directly revealed by their gods! On the other hand, the study of these gods and their acts reveal striking similarities between the ancient gods of other ancient civilizations like the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc…
The gift of magnetism = source of the healing power
Godly father = TMH
a high culture — living in harmony with the laws — universal spirit — the truth of life — global enlightenments — Atlantis = first home of the giants and Nephilim — power and love reunited — contact with other planets and spiritual beings — the planet is a biological living being — people on earth are the cells of the body earth — no class — no rich nor poor — labor was known as joy to fulfill a community — humans are part of god on earth — god human consciousness — fallen and incarnated angels — that have to master life in order to reincarnate back into holiness — inhaling and exhaling of god — omega cycle — falling into a smaller and lower dimension equals living in the dark age — scientist and the high priest was united — TMH — then spiritual hierarchies — original sound Berton = sound of the fall of lucifer — council of the seven wise beings = an assembly of deities over which a higher-level God presides.
The concept of a divine assembly (or council) is attested in the archaic Sumerian, Akkadian, Old Babylonian, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Israelite, Celtic, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman and Nordic pantheons. Ancient Egyptian literature reveals the existence of a “synod of the gods”. Some of our most complete descriptions of the activities of the divine assembly are found in the literature from Mesopotamia. Their assembly of the gods, headed by the high god Anu, would meet to address various concerns. The term used in Sumerian to describe this concept was Ukkin, and in later Akkadian and Aramaic was pure.
Texts from Ugarit give a detailed description of the Divine Council’s structure of which El and Ba’al are presiding gods.
In Chinese theology, the deities under the Jade Emperor were sometimes referred to as the celestial bureaucracy because they were portrayed as organized like an earthly government.
In Celtic mythology, most of the deities are considered to be members of the same family — the Tuatha Dé Danann. Family members include the Goddesses Danu, Brigid, Airmid, The Morrígan, and others. Gods in the family include Ogma, the Dagda, Lugh, and Goibniu, again, among many others. The Celts honored many tribal and tutelary deities, along with spirits of nature and ancestral spirits. Sometimes a deity was seen as the ancestor of a clan and family line. The leadership of the family changed over time and depending on the situation. The Celtic deities do not fit most Classical ideas of a “Divine Council” or pantheon.
Zeus and Hera preside over the divine council in Greek mythology. The council assists Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey.
Typically the list of the seven sages includes:
Thales of Miletus (c. 624 BC — c. 546 BC) is the first well-known Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. His advice, “Know thyself,” was engraved on the front facade of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.
Pittacus of Mytilene (c. 640 BC — c. 568 BC) governed Mytilene (Lesbos). He tried to reduce the power of the nobility and was able to govern with the support of the demos, whom he favored.
Bias of Priene (fl. 6th century BC) was a politician and legislator of the 6th century BC.
Solon of Athens (c. 638 BC — c. 558 BC) was a famous legislator and reformer from Athens, framing the laws that shaped the Athenian democracy.
The fifth and sixth sage is variously given as two of Cleobulus, tyrant of Lindos (fl. c. 600 BC ), reported as either the grandfather or father-in-law of Thales; Periander of Corinth (b. before 634 BC, d. c. 585 BC); Myson of Chenae (6th century BC); Anacharsis the Scythian (6th century BC).
Chilon of Sparta (fl. 555 BC) was a Spartan politician to whom the militarization of Spartan society was attributed.
Jupiter presides over the Roman pantheon who prescribes punishment on Lycaon in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, as well as punishing Argos and Thebes in Thebaid by Statius
There are mentions in Gautreks saga and in the euhemerized work of Saxo Grammaticus of the Norse gods meeting in council
The gods sitting in council in their judgment seats or “thrones of fate” is one of the refrains in the Eddic poem “Völuspá”; a “thing” of the gods is also mentioned in “Baldrs draumar”, “Þrymskviða” and the skaldic “Haustlöng”, in those poems always in the context of some calamity. Snorri Sturluson, in his Prose Edda, referred to a daily council of the gods at Urð’s well, citing a verse from “Grímnismál” about Thor being forced through rivers to reach it.
However, although the word reign usually refers to the gods, in some occurrences of reginþing it may be simply an intensifier meaning “great”, as it is in modern Icelandic, rather than indicating a meeting of the divine council.
In the Hebrew Bible, there are multiple descriptions of YAHAWAH/YAHUAH presiding over a great assembly of Heavenly Hosts. Some interpret these assemblies as examples of Divine Council:
The Old Testament description of the “divine assembly” all suggests that this metaphor for the organization of the divine world was consistent with that of Mesopotamia and Canaan. One difference, however, should be noted. In the Old Testament, the identities of the members of the assembly are far more obscure than those found in other descriptions of these groups, as in their polytheistic environment. Israelite writers sought to express both the uniqueness and the superiority of their God YAHAWAH/YAHUAH.
The Book of Psalms (Psalm 82:1), states “God (אֱלֹהִ֔ים Elohim) stands in the divine assembly (בַּעֲדַת-אֵל ‘ăḏaṯ-’êl); He judges among the gods (אֱלֹהִ֔ים Elohim)” (אֱלֹהִים נִצָּב בַּעֲדַת־אֵל בְּקֶרֶב אֱלֹהִים יִשְׁפֹּט). The meaning of the two occurrences of “Elohim” has been debated by scholars, with some suggesting both words refer to YAHAWAH/YAHUAH, while others propose that the God of Israel rules over a divine assembly of other Gods or angels. Some translations of the passage render “God (Elohim) stands in the congregation of the mighty to judge the heart as God (Elohim)” (the Hebrew is “beqerev Elohim”, “in the midst of gods”, and the word “qerev”, if it were in the plural, would mean “internal organs”). Later in this Psalm, the word “gods” is used (in the KJV): Psalm 82:6 — “I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of The Most High.” Instead of “gods”, another version has “godlike beings”, but here again, the word is Elohim/elohiym (Strong’s H430). This passage is quoted in the New Testament in John 10:34.
In the Books of Kings (1 Kings 22:19), the prophet Micaiah has a vision of YAHAWAH/YAHUAH seated among “the whole host of heaven” standing on his right and on his left. He asks who will entice Ahab and a spirited volunteer. This has been interpreted as an example of a divine council.
The first two chapters of the Book of Job describe the “Sons of God” assembling in the presence of YAHAWAH/YAHUAH. Like “multitudes of heaven”, the term “Sons of God” defies certain interpretations. This assembly has been interpreted by some as another example of divine council. Others translate “Sons of God” as “angels”, and thus argue this is not a divine council because angels are God’s creation and not deities.
“The role of the divine assembly as a conceptual part of the background of Hebrew prophecy is clearly displayed in two descriptions of prophetic involvement in the heavenly council. In 1 Kings 22:19–23… Micaiah is allowed to see God (Elohim) in action in the heavenly decision regarding the fate of Ahab. Isaiah 6 depicts a situation in which the prophet himself takes on the role of the messenger of the assembly and the message of the prophet is thus commissioned by YAHAWAH/YAHUAH. The depiction here illustrates this important aspect of the conceptual background of prophetic authority.”
brotherhood of Atlantis is the beginning of the Illuminati — they are the children of the fallen angels who set themselves as gods on earth due to their knowledge and power — they are the bloodlines of the Nephilim and the devils — they divided and conquered the people left on earth — they divided the knowledge into two groups -
Exoteric refers to knowledge that is outside, and independent from, a person’s experience and can be ascertained by anyone (related to common sense). … It is distinguished from internal esoteric knowledge. “Exoteric” relates to external reality as opposed to a person’s thoughts or feelings.
the spiritual decline led to darkness — we are in the lowest state as spirit beings — ultimate weapon -gravity bomb — Indians account of these wars in their old Hindu mythologies — the ancient city of Tula
lost cities
The Lost City of Z
In 1925, a three-man team led by British surveyor Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett entered the remote jungles of the Mato Grosso region of Brazil. Their goal was to find the ruins of an ancient civilization nicknamed Fawcett “The Lost City of Z.”
The three men, unfortunately, were never seen again. In the decades that followed, some 100 people perished or vanished attempting to discover what happened to them. While it’s never been confirmed, it’s possible that Fawcett’s lost city was based on legends surrounding Kuhikugu, a nearby archaeological complex discovered in the early 21st century that once supported more than 50,000 people.
In 1906, the Royal Geographical Society, a British organization that sponsors scientific expeditions, invited Fawcett to survey part of the frontier between Brazil and Bolivia. He spent 18 months in the Mato Grosso area and it was during his various expeditions that Fawcett became obsessed with the idea of lost civilizations in this area. In 1920, Fawcett came across a document in the National Library of Rio De Janeiro called Manuscript 512. It was written by a Portuguese explorer in 1753, who claimed to have found a walled city deep in the Mato Grosso region of the Amazon rainforest, reminiscent of ancient Greece. The manuscript described a lost, silver-laden city with multi-storied buildings, soaring stone arches, and wide streets leading down towards a lake on which the explorer had seen two white Indians in a canoe. Fawcett called this the Lost City of Z.
In 1921, Fawcett set out on his first of many expeditions to find the Lost City of Z, but his team was frequently hindered by the hardships of the jungle, dangerous animals, and rampant diseases. Percy’s final search for Z culminated in his complete disappearance. In April 1925, he attempted one last time to find Z, this time better equipped and better financed by newspapers and societies including the Royal Geographic Society and the Rockefellers. In his final letter home, sent back via a team member, Fawcett sent a message to his wife Nina and proclaimed “We hope to get through this region in a few days…. You need to have no fear of any failure.” It was to be the last anyone would ever hear from them again.
While Fawcett’s lost city of Z has never been found, numerous ancient cities and remains of religious sites have been uncovered in recent years in the jungles of Guatemala, Brazil, Bolivia, and Honduras. With the advent of new scanning technology, it is possible that an ancient city that spurred the legends of Z, may one day be found.
First mentioned in writing by the Greek philosopher Plato in 360 BC, the legendary island of Atlantis has captured the imaginations of explorers and historians for more than two millennia.
The island was said to be expansive and home to a powerful kingdom with advanced technology and an unmatched navy. Sometime around 9,600 BC, the entire region was devastated by what Plato described as “one terrible night of fire and earthquakes” and sank into the sea.
While there have been countless expeditions to find the submerged location of Atlantis and disprove its existence as one of myth alone, all have come up short. The most recent, and possibly the most promising, was headed by Canadian-Israeli journalist and investigative archaeologist Simcha Jacobovici, who’s made several films about Jerusalem. Partnering with film director James Cameron, the only man to complete a solo dive of the Mariana Trench, Jacobovici and his team used clues in Plato’s writings and advanced tech to scour the seafloor for signs of ruins. The most compelling find was that of six bronze-age stone anchors discovered in the Strait of Gibraltar off the coast of Spain.
“What we uncovered points strongly to some kind of major trading civilization 4,000 years ago or so outside the Mediterranean on the Atlantic coast,” Cameron told the Calgary Herald. “There’s been a lot of thought in the archeological community that the city of Tartessos in Southern Spain — which is now buried under mud essentially by some kind of catastrophe that might have been, let’s say, a large tsunami — could have some basis in the Atlantean myth.”
The team plans to return in the near future to further investigate the site with ground-penetrating radar and other tools.
The Kingdom of Lyonesse
In Arthurian legend, Lyonesse is the home country of Tristan, from the legendary story of Tristan and Iseult. The mythical land of Lyonesse is now referred to as the “Lost Land of Lyonesse,” as it is ultimately said to have sunk into the sea. However, the legendary tale of Tristan and Iseult shows that Lyonesse is known for more than sinking into the ocean and that it had a legendary presence while it remained above ground. While Lyonesse is mostly referred to in stories of legend and myth, there is some belief that it represents a very real city that sunk into the sea many years ago. With such a legendary location, it can be difficult to ascertain where the legend ends and reality begins.
There are some variations in the legends that surround the sinking of the land. Prior to its sinking, Lyonesse would have been quite large, containing one hundred and forty villages and churches. Lyonesse is said to have disappeared on November 11, 1099 (although some tales use the year 1089, and some date back to the 6th century). Very suddenly the land was flooded by the sea. Entire villages were swallowed, and the people and animals of the area drowned. Once it was covered in water, the land never reemerged. While the Arthurian tales are legendary, there is some belief that Lyonesse was once a very real place attached to the Scilly Isles in Cornwall, England. Evidence shows that sea levels were considerably lower in the past, so it is very possible that an area that once contained a human settlement above-ground is now beneath the sea level. Indeed, fishermen near the Scilly Isles tell tales of retrieving pieces of buildings and other structures from their fishing nets. These stories have never been substantiated, and are viewed by some as tall tales.
From the legendary tales of Tristan and Iseult to Arthur’s final battle with Mordred to the stories of a city being swallowed by the sea, the tales of Lyonesse invoke a vast array of thoughts and emotions by those who wish to know more about this legendary city, and who like to believe that it’s legendary tales are founded upon a very real lost city.
According to legend, the kingdom of Lyonesse was a mass of land in Britain’s Isles of Scilly that became engulfed by the ocean over the course of one day. Some even speculate that the litany of 140 islands that exist there today are simply the hilltops of a lost drowned world.
The oldest written account of a lost kingdom off Cornwall’s coast is described in William of Worcester’s “Itinerary” from the 14th century. According to the author, an unidentified piece of land extending six miles from the sea existed before the flood. “Woods and fields and 140 parochial churches, all now submerged, between the Mount and the Isles of Scilly,” he wrote.
While Lyonesse is referenced in various texts, it’s most famous for its place in Arthurian legend as the home of the hero Tristan. In fact, the catastrophe reportedly occurred in the sixth century at the time of the legendary King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
While no great underwater civilization has ever been discovered, geologists say the region has experienced a great deal of submergence over the last 3,000 years. It’s possible that stories of lost civilizations that bore the brunt of these changes may have inspired the legends of Lyonesse that grip the imagination today.
El Dorado The Search for El Dorado — Lost City of Gold
For hundreds of years, treasure hunters and historians alike have searched for El Dorado, the lost city of gold. The idea of a city filled with gold and other riches has a natural appeal, drawing the attention of individuals from all over the world in hopes of discovering the ultimate treasure, and ancient wonder. In spite of numerous expeditions around all of Latin America, the city of gold remains a legend, with no physical evidence to substantiate its existence.
The origins of El Dorado come from legendary tales of the Muisca tribe. Following two migrations — one in 1270 BC and one between 800 and 500 BC, the Muisca tribe occupied the Cundinamarca and Boyacá areas of Colombia. According to legend, as written in Juan Rodriguez Freyle’s “El Carnero,” the Muisca practiced a ritual for every newly appointed king that involved gold dust and other precious treasures.
When a new leader was appointed, many rituals would take place before he took his role as king. During one of these rituals, the new king would be brought to Lake Guatavita, where he would be stripped naked, and covered in gold dust. He would be placed upon a highly decorated raft, along with his attendants, and piles of gold and precious stones. The raft would be sent out to the center of the lake, where the king would wash the gold dust from his body, as his attendants would throw the pieces of gold and precious stones into the lake. This ritual was intended as a sacrifice to the Muisca’s god. To the Muisca, “El Dorado” was not a city, but the king at the center of this ritual also called “the Gilded One.” While El Dorado is meant to refer to the Gilded One, the name has now become synonymous with the lost city of gold, and any other place where one can quickly obtain wealth.
In 1545, Conquistadores Lázaro Fonte and Hernán Pérez de Quesada attempted to drain Lake Guatavita. As they did so, they found gold along its shores, fueling their suspicion that the lake contained a treasure of riches. They worked for three months, with workers forming a bucket chain, but they were unable to drain the lake sufficiently to reach any treasures deep within the lake. In 1580, another attempt to drain the lake was made by business entrepreneur Antonio de Sepúlveda. Once again, various pieces of gold were found along the shores, but the treasure at the depths of the lake remained concealed. Other searches were conducted on Lake Guatavita, with estimates that the lake could contain up to $300 million in gold, with no luck in finding the treasures. All searches came to a halt when the Colombian government declared the lake a protected area in 1965. Nonetheless, the search for El Dorado continues, even without the ability to search Lake Guatavita. The legends of the Muisca tribe, the Gilded One, and their ritualistic sacrifice of treasures have transformed over time into today’s tale of El Dorado, a lost city of gold.
The legend of the golden city of El Dorado has its roots in the 16th century at a time when Europeans were captivated with the treasures of the New World. Spain, in particular, was obsessed, with sending its now-notorious conquistadors to South America to claim whatever riches could be found. One such rumor involved the existence of a city high in the Andes mountains whose king covered himself in gold dust. Hence the name “El Dorado” or “the gilded one.”
Over time, the legend transitioned from a single golden king to a kingdom of gold. Dozens of people have attempted to find the lost city, including two disastrous expeditions by the famed British explorer Sir Walter Raleigh.
While the city may remain nothing more than a legend, its place in popular culture remains strong. In addition to appearing in such films as “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” and the animated adventure “The Road to El Dorado,” the mythical city has also been brought to life in the action-adventure video games “Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune” and “Pitfall: The Lost Expedition.”
Lost City of the Kalahari
In 1885, a Canadian entertainer and adventurer named Guillermo Farini (aka The Great Farini) became one of the first Westerners to cross the unexplored and treacherous Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. Upon his return, he showed photographs and wrote a paper about ruins he discovered that appeared to indicate the remains of a lost civilization buried in the sands.
“We camped near the foot of it, besides a broken line of stone which looked like the Chinese Wall after an earthquake, and which, on examination, proved to be the ruins of quite an extensive structure, in some places buried beneath the sand, but in others fully exposed to view,” he wrote. “We traced the remains for nearly a mile, mostly a heap of huge stones, but all flat-sided, and here and there with the cement perfect and plainly visible between the layers.”
Throughout the 20th century, dozens of expeditions were launched to find Farini’s “Lost City of the Kalahari.” No less than 12 were undertaken by the grandparents of South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, the same man who one day aims to help humans explore Mars.
In January 2016, the series “Expedition Unknown” chronicled a search by American host Josh Gates for the lost city. Using aerial scans and radar, as well as Farini’s descriptions of the site, they discovered man-made ruins near an oasis located just inside the Kalahari. While it has yet to be confirmed, this site may, in fact, be the lost city mentioned in Farini’s travels.
The Lost City of Aztlan — Legendary Homeland of the Aztecs
The Aztec people of Mexico created one of the most powerful empires of the ancient Americas. While much is known about their empire located where today’s Mexico City can be found, less is known about the very start of the Aztec culture. Many consider the missing island of Aztlan to be the ancient homeland where the Aztec people began to form a civilization prior to their migration to the Valley of Mexico. Some believe it is a mythical land, similar to Atlantis or Camelot, which will live on through legend but will never be found in physical existence. Others believe it to be a true, physical location that will someday be identified. Searches for the land of Aztlan have spanned from Western Mexico, all the way to the deserts of Utah, in hopes of finding the legendary island. However, these searches have been fruitless, as the location — and existence — of Aztlan remain a mystery.
The formation of civilization at Aztlan comes from a legend. According to Nahuatl legend, there were seven tribes that once lived at Chicomoztoc — “the place of the seven caves.” These tribes represented the seven Nahua groups: Acolhua, Chalca, Mexica, Tepaneca, Tlahuica, Tlaxcala, and Xochimilco (different sources provide variations on the names of the seven groups). The seven groups, being of similar linguistic groups, left their respective caves and settled as one group near Aztlan.
The word Aztlan means “the land to the north; the land from whence we, the Aztecs, came.” It is said that eventually, the people who inhabited Aztlan became known as the Aztecs, who then migrated from Aztlan to the Valley of Mexico. The Aztec migration from Aztlan to Tenochtitlán is a very important piece of Aztec history. It began on May 24, 1064, which was the first Aztec solar year.
To this day, the actual existence of an island known as Aztlan has not been confirmed. Many have searched for the land, in hopes of having a better understanding of where the Aztecs came from, and perhaps a better understanding of ancient Mexican history. However, like other lost cities, it is not clear whether Aztlan will ever be found.
The Lost Desert Cities of Dubai: The Hidden History
Dubai cultivates an ultra-modern image of dazzling architecture and effortless wealth. Yet its deserts conceal forgotten cities and a hidden history which reveal how its early inhabitants adapted and overcame dramatic past climate change.
One of the most famous lost cities of Arabia — tantalizingly so because historians have known it existed from written records but simply could not find it — is the medieval city of Julfar. Home to the legendary Arabian seafarer Ahmed ibn Majid, as well as allegedly to the fictional Sindbad the Sailor, Julfar thrived for a thousand years before falling into ruin and disappearing from human memory for almost two centuries. Unlike other desert cities, Julfar was a thriving port, in fact, the hub of southern Gulf Arabic trade in the Middle Ages.
Julfar was known to be somewhere on the Persian Gulf coast north of Dubai, but the actual site was only found by archaeologists in the 1960s. The earliest signs of settlement found on the site date from the 6th century, by which time its inhabitants were already trading as far afield as India and the Far East on a routine basis.
The 10th to 14th centuries were a golden age for Julfar and for long-distance Arab trading and seafaring, with Arab navigators routinely traveling halfway around the world. Arabs had sailed into European waters long before Europeans succeeded in navigating through the Indian Ocean and into the Persian Gulf, for instance. As the main base for these voyages and trade, Julfar was the largest and most important city in the southern Gulf for over a thousand years. Arab merchants routinely made the mammoth eighteen-month sea voyage as far as China and traded almost everything imaginable.
Such a valuable commercial center attracted constant attention from rival powers though. The Portuguese took control in the 16th century, by which time Julfar was a substantial city of around 70,000 people. A century later the Persians seized it, only to lose it in 1750 to the Qawasim tribe from Sharjah who established themselves next door at Ras al-Khaimah, which they continue to rule to this day, leaving the old Julfar to gradually decay until its ruins became forgotten amongst the coastal sand dunes. Today most of Julfar in all likelihood remains still hidden beneath the sprawling dunes north of Ras al-Khaimah.” — courtesy David Millar-
The first pharaohs of india were straight from the atlanteans — they passed on their knowledge to the egyptians — the knowledge passed are exactly the knowledge of the Israelites who were the council of melchizedek — melchizedek council were the gods that obeyed and followed THE ULTIMATE CREATOR THE FATHER COSMOS — the israelites are straight from the melchizedek group one of the most obedient group to the ULTIMATE FATHER COSMOS EL YHWH — the teachings of Noah and Abraham are directly from the knowledge of the melchizedek and that knowledge is pure — no corruption — no hate — no wars — unified to glorify YHWH with purpose to love and grow in love with the universe — love and compassion is the very key to understanding the laws and ways of the universe — the pharaohs of india which i can say new atalantis failed but they passed on their full library to the egyptians — kemetic science is the corrupted fallen angel teachings of what the melchizedek taught — their teachings are darkened right through the source — people back then at the time of atlantis and earlier were actually of all colors such as blue and green.
the brotherhood of the snake — ankhs life key = color chart connects with the key = physical body of humans — soul bodies — five ultra minds — an object or design resembling a cross but having a loop instead of the top arm, used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of life. Literally, the term “ankh” in translation from Egyptian means “life” or “who lives.” … Some researchers of esoteric symbolism have interpreted the backbone of the Ankh (Cross of Tau) as a symbol of the descent of the spirit into matter, and the circle as the “divine Eye” that shines the light on the world of men. It was held in the hands of the gods as a symbol of their power to give life or take it away. The symbol of the ankh meant “life” and was often used as an amulet, as a symbolic representation of both physical and eternal life. The Ankh symbolizes life, immortality, and reincarnation. that symbol was a physical key carried by the fallen angels — they created their offspring and controlled the earth with their agendas and their political views.
the earth reached its third dimension — humans reached the zenith of the polarity consciousness…Consciousness at its simplest is “sentience or awareness of internal or external existence”. Despite centuries of analyses, definitions, explanations, and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being “at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives”.
Fire Vs Water
When the Earth descended into the third dimension and the ‘Gaia ‘ (the soul of the Earth) entered a new cycle of experience, humans reached their zenith in polar consciousness. To this day, the cycle of opposites and ‘- the feeling of separation has prevailed.
One could say that when Eden and its continent sank, the Earth left the fourth and fifth dimensions to enter the realm of -the three-dimensional material structure. With the descent into the third dimension, the remaining human race lost consciousness of the Oneness of all things. Polarity awareness took over and instead of harmony, more and more opposites entered the consciousness and the actions of human beings. Even the elite priesthood was affected and they- dogmatically defended- their truths. Two major Brotherhoods arose on Earth, both influenced by Fire and Water, together they are called The Brotherhood of the Snake. Fire is the seat of the Evocation of the Masters of Knowledge, Water is the seat of the Invocation of the Masters of Wisdom. Together they embodied the universal polarity of opposites.
In the outer world, each Brotherhood thought of the other one as the evil Brotherhood, the Black Magicians. The battle between the polarities of the Brotherhoods started an incredibly long time ago and reached its peak with World War II. The two opposites, the Sun (Illuminati) and the Moon (Luminari) face each other and struggle for power, yet neither of them can win. They can only overcome polarity.
Humanity was influenced by these two contrasting areas of wisdom. All true governing bodies were visited by agents of these Brotherhoods and were partly initiated into Mankind’s evolution plan.
In ancient times, the Brotherhood was divided into the Brotherhood of Fire and the Brotherhood of Water. Together they stand for The Brotherhood of the Snake. Both Brotherhoods undertook under the guidance of the Gods (Elohim) the spiritual education of the human race — The Fire in the East and the Water in the West.
The spiritual warriors of Fire and Water foretold that at the end of the the-descent cycle, when the final prophecy of the spiritual battle on Earth would be fulfilled, they would return to reveal the truth and herald the passing of the Dark Age into the Golden Age.
The survivors of Eden were the chosen seeds of the fifth root race from which today’s mankind originated. Over many thousands of years, the maturing humankind went into a deep state of consciousness.
The third unknown power to influence the Brotherhoods was the Gods (Elohim), carriers of light who gave the surviving priests exact instructions to found The Brotherhood of the Snake anew. They inspired each Brotherhood and their worldly kings to build empires.
All wars were instrumental in initiating new historical eras and building mankind’s history. It was the old game when two parties fight, the third party and its agenda remain hidden. Thus all world leaders were tempted by the third power in order to fulfill the world plan of creation.
The light carriers from the Collective, also called Gods (Elohim), introduced on Earth a secret education program in order to guide the worldly humans in their evolution plan towards completion. At times the Brotherhoods sent messengers to Earth with secret missions. They sought out the spiritual heirs and the worldly leaders of the different epochs and gave them new instructions. Christ appeared across several centuries and finally disappeared during his journey through Asia...
The decline of human consciousness after Eden was part of the Gods’ (Elohim) deliberate Plan, in order to move the souls towards completion. Nothing could hinder it, because the web of the planet, its basic energy, and its electromagnetic radiation increasingly distorted the consciousness of people. Whenever the time was right, they brought new consciousness impulses to the leaders of humankind. This happened through the messengers from the cities of the inner earth, some came as incarnated masters, others as emissaries.
Since the destruction of Eden, the Brotherhood of Fire prevailed in the outside world. It started as a Sun supremacy with all its attributes. All Eastern cultural circles carry the symbol of the ‘pyramid’ or the obelisk’ which points to the power of the cosmos. Churches and high-rise buildings in our civilization indicate the strength of their omnipotence. The Sun Masters are the architects of all Eastern cultures and are now striving for their zenith of outer rule through a global world order. They all serve Fire and work with the worldly representatives of Fire. The aim of the Brothers of Fire together with their worldly leaders the Illuminati is to establish a global world government. The Brotherhood represents the earth-bound powers, the “Omega pole”, the builders of matter. World politics and religions have the same objective. They obey some Brotherhood or priesthood using different means to attain this single objective. Hence, since the battle in Eden, the brothers of Fire have led the spiritual elite to build diverse world empires. But what happened to Water?
The ‘Moon Masters’, the Luminari, and the Immortals represent the spirit bound, the Alpha pole. The Masters are the protectors of the spirit. They have whole physical-etheric bodies and can materialize at any time. They are the keepers of the magnetic field of the Earth and of its action. They represent the other polarity, the spiritual Alpha powers. They work together with the Masters of Light and they are the Keepers of the Grail (the sacred and integral forces) of the inner cosmos. The Sacred Fire holds the seven original energies that flow in the seven centers of the Earth and in every living being, organic or inorganic, as the spirit in matter. As such, it manifests as the building Plan of The One for the world’s eras. It exists as the physical ether and represents the opposite poles of the Brotherhood. The Masters of the Moon are the cosmic powers, the spiritual strength, the inner life force. During the Dark Age of the last 26,000 years, the Gods (Elohim) withdrew and formed the negative pole of the inner world and served the progressing outer humanity as a counterweight. They now have completed their work in the inner world. They knew also that their deliverance would be coming at the time of the change of polarity which would complete the learning cycle for humanity.
snake brotherhood — eagle brotherhood — unknown power — celestial — worldly kings — wars are instrumental planned to create a history and affair of power — guardians of god— teachings of life — Melchizedek — Illuminati — red dragon — shambala — establish a global government — Shambhala — luminary — spiritual masters — keepers of the magnetic — masters of light — keeper of grail — work in light — seven chakras of the earth — Agartha city = Eden — become the foundation of the human god — complete human is the spiritual law of God incarnated — last avatar = christ = avatar = love and compassion — the brotherhood created all world religions under the law of the fallen angels — Babylon vs Hebrew -
deep mystics — space brotherhood influence hebrew brotherhood — CHRIST ended the brotherhood of the atlanteans — CHRIST instructed that god was and is in the inner part of men/women humans and not in the scriptures only — love and compassion taught by CHRIST — connects hebrews and humanity directly to ELOHIM AHAYAH TMH — CHRIST ended the ruling of the old corrupted kemetic science of atlantis aka new and old india aka egyptian mythology — so hinduism is egyptian mythology as egyptian mythology is greek mythology — all the same stories and livelihoods of fallen angels and their rule on a certain group of people — from researching it is understood that the mythologies are actually real and religion is the physical human consequence of the wars in heaven — male materialistic forces — dark ages — all political agendas are from the sun hierarchies — the marriage of mind and meta — the mix of sun and moon hierarchy — will be next — after the DEATH OF CHRIST — the words of CHRIST became falsified by the political groups to enslave the ones that followed the REAL CHRIST — revelations is life and live — CHRIST IS TO RETURN EVEN TO THE COSMOS WORLD — CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL…….
12 planets — 7 in the material frequency — 5 in the spiritual frequency — the earth is a library — the return of the gods — the earth is an experience playground for the fallen angels that call themselves gods -
2011 — is when pure illumination starts — when humans all over start to be reborn and understand signs — fallen angels will reveal themselves again as the gods — idolatry and the betrayal to TMH THE GODFATHER COSMOS — the rapture is predicted to be may 21st 2011 — the rapture is the awakening of the third eye in a global aspect — people are awakening spiritually — some are awakening to the side of the fallen angels — some are awakening to the side of ELOHIM THE MELCHIZEDEK GROUP HEBREW ISRAELITES SIDE OF TMH CREATOR — the ones awaken to the side of the fallen angels starts to go back to african spirituals — ancient atlantis angel worshipping of spirits and high beings — african and indian cultures and sciences of the spirit world becomes an awareness to the new generation — the new world order and illuminati starts to become clear to some people — the minds are open — research about religion and GOD goes into full motion…..the ascension is the resurrection — mother earth will give birth to a new era — the millennium with CHRIST — the 3 dimensional and 5 dimensional people will mingle again — brothers of space = keepers of CHRIST — the return of the CHRIST is within aliens and extraterrestrial beings are all waiting for CHRIST YAHAWASHI OR YAHUSHA………we are entering the antimatter which will rotate in the number 8 shape — rotating around the centers ……the rapture is mainly the ascension to the higher self in respect to the love and compassion of CHRIST YAHAWASHI..the goal of becoming a melchizedek…….
the art of Melchizedek is the art of opening all the chakras
Earth Star Chakra — ground foot
Root Chakra — spinal base / sexual organs
Sacral Chakra — belly button / sexual organs/navel
Solar Plexus Chakra — midway from the spine to the heart
Heart Chakra — heart — upper chest
Throat Chakra — vocals — throat
Third Eye Chakra — pineal — middle of the forehead
Crown Chakra — the top of the head — bald spot
Soul Star Chakra — right above the head — halo
Universal Chakra — ora beam on top of halo — universal connection — the gift of magnetism — healing and superpowers
Galactic Chakra — the channel of prophecy — communication with higher beings (not demons as done in rituals and ceremonies but actual higher beings aka archangels and the Melchizedek council)
Divine Gateway Chakra — immortality
the third eye = CHRIST from within = GOD’S eye — enlightened ones — opening the chakras — atoms cannot hold the energy — ascend — rise to the spirit world 4th and 5th dimensions — higher frequencies — beings of light — so in order to become beings of light and open the true third eye — ONE HAS TO BECOME CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS — love harmony and compassion for TMH CREATOR creates a world of peace and a community that builds — wars and religion aka angelic political agendas are to divide and conquer — the fallen angels teach that we are all christ as to lie to our conscious through pride and ego — african spirituals going to ancestors — gods and goddesses — mythologies — all are lies to manipulate the mind to rise on the side of the fallen angels..two levels of consciousness — antichrist vs christ — thinking to be god only without accepting whom is god and claiming self righteousness while ignoring the laws of the universe and living in sin — committing crimes — murders — fornications with pure lust — and everything known as sin- the more one calls himself god ignorantly and continues to sin and blasphemy the TMH FATHER OF THE COSMOS who the fallen angels themselves know of — the more people kill and fight one another — the more hate and negativity — the more souls the devils win — the elevation of the spirit — the ascension can also be a win to the antichrist — one can be raptured unto evil as one can be raptured unto the light — to be raptured unto the light is to be elevated spiritually seeking the true GOD GENE EL YHWH GENE WITHIN YOU BY FOLLOWING THE LAWS OF CHRIST YAHUSHA/YAHAWASHI — once you accept that true light then when the time comes you can be truly elevated into the kingdom of peace — it is then you are invited to live within the cities of peace and the new jerusalem the capital of the earth — 144000 are the new galactic council — judges with CHRIST — new generation of archangels — new inclusions to the higher tables………..