5 min readDec 25, 2023

Who We Are…

We are HIS offsprings made in HIS image ...we have a mother and a father...the father is YAHUAH and the mother is WISDOM...if you read the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes you will notice how wisdom is always feminine and motherly...book of wisdom of Solomon as well..many other non-biblical text talk about that as well .... So YAHUAH and WISDOM are Love in its full package.. 📦 LOVE created everything... God is love and love is God....the main reason you cannot define love and you cannot deny love is because love is literally GOD...the idea to love and the actions of love is what GOD is in general....LOVE became a deity by creating itself as GOD and when that happened life became real and reality formed throughout love to fulfill love...as being itself love had to be protective to itself....once you love you have to protect that love to keep it unconditionally and eternally.... Love is perfect harmony...so with that in mind... YAHUAH the father is the protective side of love and WISDOM is the nurturing side of love...within WISDOM you find nature and creation itself.... Now why is the name YAHU...it is very simple..the noise a child makes when he or she is happy....the noise a baby names when laughing and playing...the sound and noise of excitement and joy no matter what language always have yahu in it....when people scream out of joy out happiness the frequency and energy of the sound is always yahu therefore that’s why the name of God is actually YAHU...it is the sound of love being fulfilled in true happiness...so YAHUAH is the name of the FATHER.... In YAHUAH you find protection excites electricity control laws and everything that directs emotions and actions... everything you do is for a reason and that reason always has to be based on love...if you love someone you want to nourish them protect them heal then care for them and so on......

Now we are the very first beings created by that power of love...that's why it is said we are made in HIS image...we are dark and beautiful because we are made through darkness meaning through a void of nothing comes everything....we are dark because we carry all the colors ..black is the combination of an equal amount of all colors...white is the absence of color..white is clean and pure but not perfection..black is fulfillment of everything in a clean sheet and is perfect ..black is when everything is purified in this finest form...and we are black dark because LOVE made us through ITSELF and BEYOND that IT became HE and SHE........

Now the bible is the story of us as HIS offspring HIS children and how HE made us with WISDOM.... Now what most people don't understand is that since we are OF him we are LIKE HIM.... We can create and destroy just like GOD....our actions narrate our story...our story is HIS history for HE is the beginning and the end....the laws and regulations he gives us in the bible are basically sets of rules for us so we can control ourselves..in other words are there for us to control how we love how we care and how we grow...the laws gives us the sense of compassion for our environment and surroundings.....if we behave with love then we grow with love and love rules and reigns forever...no evil is there...but we have free will....

We have free will BECAUSE WE ARE GODS and GODDESSES...we can build destroy create change and affect everything and anything... Our free will is a choice of how much we understand and comprehend what love is..the more we think with love and compassion the more we obey the laws and live in harmony.....the more we think without the original love the more we do our own things..the more we fail love and create the opposite which we call bad evil hate and etc...

Aliens and other entities are just beings created with love that never accepted nor wanted to understand love.. the angels wanted their own story ..had their own agenda and they left the house of LOVE...they created the mythologies the spiritualities the demons the jinns the evil ones the satans and the world you see today...they wanted to become their own version of LOVE instead of actually being part of LOVE...

It's like this...you are married with a person...you make babies and have a life..you are rich and lack nothing.. everything is perfect....but you see people you care for you want to help...they can either join you in harmony or you can take them because you are prideful and have a huge ego...if the man decides to marry two and equally share the love assets and himself .. perfect harmony...but if he forced himself because of his money pride and ego than you have everything that si bad jealousy hatred sin etc etc ..the woman in the relationship of harmony will understand the reason and the need for multiplying and growth..they will see more business more money more land more kids they see a legacy for themselves 😁.... The woman in the forceful situation without the intent of love sees competition jealousy and understands division......kinda vague lifestyle...no growing just wars...and that's the world we live in today....

We black negroes are the offspring of love that lived in harmony...but one child broke that harmony by choosing things by force and ego instead of LOVE...that child is known as evil one Satan Lucifer...He wanted to become love and be loved himself only..no sharing..just like the villain in every hero movie..all to himself and none other... Due to that breach in LOVE... YAHUSHA had to recreate the original LOVE and that is the story of CHRIST...the sacrifice and Resurrection is the recreation of the original LOVE to balance out everything and remove the breach... YAHUAH became YAHUSHA to live like love and to become love the right way without the price of ego pride and self praise... everything and everyone becomes part of that first LOVE again through CHRIST aka YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH...

We are Bantu people. We are the children of YAHUAH. We are gods and goddesses.



I am a poet, writer, painter, and a graphic designer. https://www.poeticcolors.art/

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